
The revolver was designed in 1860 by a Belgian, a Dolne Brevette... as a Multi Purpose Pinfire Revolver, and nicknamed Daisy, as it opened like a flower.  It consisted of three weapons, a knife, brass knuckles, and of course a pepperbox revolver body.  It could be hidden in a pocket and used folded up effectively as a knuckle duster, or a knife could be unfolded and used, or all of it could be unfolded and used as a  revolver.  As it didn't have a barrel, it was a strictly short range weapon.  The early guns were 5mm and 7mm pinfire, but a 9mm version was known to be used by British Commandoes in WW2.

picture of Apache Revolver

Photo by Michele M. F.

The end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries was a great time for the well to do.  They could enjoy the latest inventions and culture, it was so great it was called the Belle Epoque in Paris,  or the "Gilded Age" in the US. But in Paris, as elsewhere, everyone wasn't included in the prosperity, so gangs of Parisian hoodlums made a bit of their own prosperity.  They armed themselves with, among other killing weapons, the Multipurpose Pinfire Revolver.  One gang, Les Apaches, was so notorious that the revolver was named for them and became the Apache Revolver.  They preyed on the upper middle class, and made such a nuisance of themselves the even fought a week long pitched battle with the police, and it wasn't clear the police won.  World War One brought an end to the Apaches, though, and they and their kind were consumed in the trenches along with everyone else.

picture of Le Petit Journal

Cover of Le Petit Journal, featuring Parisian Gangmembers

The last stop on the story of the Apache Revolver is the British Commando and the French Resistance. Numbers of these guns were still floating around when  WW2 came about, and it has been rumoured that when the Commando was born, this weapon was adopted and Whitehall is still quiet about their use.  The gun was supposed to be 9mm, and is still supposed to be in the Commando's arsenal.  The French Resistance undoubtedly used them, since any gun was better than none.  I for one think the Brits may have tried them, and rejected them for the flimsy and awkward weapon they are, even though they have a love for all things with brass knuckles attached to them.  They liked close in weapons so much the cap badges of the Commando Groups that fought in the middle east featured the early fighting knife with brass knuckles for a handle.  I think Whitehall liked the reputation the Commando's may have achieved by fostering use of such a malicious looking gun.

picture of Apache Revolver

Photo by Trinjac