David McCallum rules the skies over German occupied Europe with his band of Mosquito pilots. This 1969 film, Mosquito Squadron, is about a fictitious squadron involved in a mission to bomb a V-2 (or V-3) development site, housed outside a heavily defended Chateau in France. This mission is further complicated by crafty Germans bringing their RAF prisoners to the chateau as human shields.
The film's bright points may not be in the well worn plot of a pilot's brief life span, and his ability to find love in that short time, but in the amount of flyable Mosquito's that were still around at the time. The films flyable planes vastly outnumber the amount of flyable Mosquitos now, which is about none. (However there are several projects in the works to recitify that problem.) Watching these Mossies in action is a treat not to be missed.
This variant of Mosquito fighter-bomber seems to be missing it's complement of 20mm cannon, but uses it's 4 .303 guns now and again in the film. The Mossies get crashed plenty during the film, and burned to the ground in the process, lot's of plywood there, but hopefully it was just one aircraft filmed several times. The aircraft could have used dual controls in action, as the poor navigator automatically gets it if the pilot packs it in. Flying low, as the Mosquito often did, didn't give you much of a chance to bail out.
Below is the trailer of the film, but if you want to watch the whole thing, you can get it from Amazon , or you can get it from Youtube, even in 720 HD. The bad part about that is that with my miserable bandwidth from a Cincinnati telecom, you'll have to wait 3 hours for it to load up. An alternative is using a plugin for Firefox, like Downloadhelper, and let it download after you go to bed.
Update 12/5/12:
Looks like I'm wrong about no flyable Mosquitos left in the world, there is one in New Zealand that took to the air in September 2012...