
War is hell.  One guy who found out how bad it can be is Flight Sergeant Copping, who got lost over the Sahara and was never heard from again.  His plane has recently come to light, and is remarkably preserved for the time that has passed since World War Two.  It's possible none of his family have survived to report too.

P-40 resting in the desert

The RAF is on the ball to get the plane for display at the Raf Museum in Hendon.  The P-40 is complete and not beat up that bad, it lost the prop on landing, but everything is still there, including the guns.  The plane was close to a smuggling route, but was obviously unnoticed.  The Egyptian Army scarfed up the guns to keep them out of the wrong hands.  Suddenly P-40's are everywhere, one just crash landed near here in Batavia, Ohio. They were common during the early years of the war, but lost out to later designs that could outperform it.  There are less than a hundred left in the world with around 20 still flying. This link describes what it's like to fly one.

Update: Nephew found, Daily Mail story if you don't mind the popups...